Sunday, September 16, 2007

A better picture of the cat....

I still need a good name for her!


Jessica said...

Joel and I were just talking about naming our next pet "Brixen," which is a town in Northern Italy on the Austrian border, and also sounds like a mash up of Santa's pets, Blitzen/Vixen. You're welcome to seal it, if you'd like.

Unknown said...

My roommate had a cat in college that she named "Assassin." It was pretty ironic given the cat weight about 2 mangy pounds when she brought her home.
I once had a cat named 'Vixen,' like the reindeer, but everyone I know thought I named my cat after a lady of the night...

Unknown said...

Weighed... I meant weighed, not weight. I don't want your sister to yell at me.

Jessica said...

So, does the cat have a name?!?!?!

Jordan Sembower said...

Easy..."Annoying Customer."

(Watch Clerks again.)

Peace out homie.
